I can't wait to see Autumn again
Having been away for 7 years in Asia I have missed the changing seasons of living in England.
You lose all perspective for the time of year, I remember in November looking at a magazine showing it was the Nov issue, and thought to myself god that's old, it was only when my husband brought it to read that I realised we actually were in November.
The year is divided into two, Dry and Wet,and the temperature doesn't really dip below 28 degrees all year.
These are the things I am looking forward to when I get back.
Conkers - need to relive my childhood through my kids
Pine cones - painting them for Christmas
Walking through the fallen leaves in the Autumn
The amazing colours of the leaves in Autumn
Spring flowers - daffodils are my favourite
The long summer nights
The dark winter nights - I loved being home all snuggly as a kid when it was dark outside
Snow - that silence when you wake up and you know it has snowed
Making a snowman with the girls
Opening the windows
The smell of the clothes from the washline when it comes indoors ( I am not looking forward to the ironing..!)
Smell of cut grass
The sence of belonging again..
Happy Easter, hope you are all eating lots of chocolate. x
You too.. x
See? Every cloud has a silver lining. As much as a shock as it was, and really bad timing, there’s no place like home and you’ll be arriving back at a brilliant time of year. Have a great Easter!
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