Spring Summer Photo Shoot - Spain

Last Wednesday 5 of us flew out to Malaga in Spain to spend 2 days shooting for our Spring Summer 2019 collection.
The motley crew consisted of the boss (obviously) Charlotte, Barbara who modelled for us in our Autumn/Winter 2018 collection, Sheila (Mia Tui Planner) and AnnMarie who is an actress and model. Oh and me!
When we shot our SS18 collection in the UK last year, we had to wait until May to get the right light, sunny day, no rain etc… the shoot last year was great but having to take a chance on when we have the right weather just doesn’t work.
Our Spring Summer collection is set to launch mid-March and so after last year, Charlotte made the decision that this year we would have to go abroad to a hotter climate. So, as soon as we had completed the Autumn/Winter 18 shoot in September, we started to organise this trip.
As many of our families and friends have made jokes about “work? Really? … you won’t be working, you’re all off on a girls’ holiday.” Maybe I can try to explain the behind the scenes organisation that such a trip demands.
There were so many aspects that had to be researched. The location, accommodation, models, travel planning, photographer and of course most importantly the Spring Summer colour range that we needed to photograph.
If you read our blogs, you may remember I wrote about the organisation our last photo shoot required, so I won’t delve into the intricate details again, suffice to say it was a planning nightmare in the UK, so you can imagine that moving it to Spain didn’t make it any easier!
Charlotte is great at organisational spreadsheets, and so armed with these we knew exactly what colour and style bags we were taking with us. From this, we then needed to ensure all models had coordinating outfits for each location shoot.
I think we took around 40 different bags out with us, as you can see from some of the pictures, add those to luggage for 5 women and yes we looked like we were emigrating for good!
We arrived at Luton airport last Wednesday morning purposely early so that we had time to get some travel shots at the airport prior to checking in. We got some odd looks but the shots we got around the airport really help us to sell the Jennie, Mini Jen and Zoe travel handbags
https://miatui.com/collections/travel-bags Seeing how these bags are designed for travel with honest imagery, we feel really helps you as customers to see what bag is best for you.
We boarded our Easy Jet flight and of course made sure we got some images of our Jennie and Mini Jen “placed under the seat in front of us” of course!
We arrived in Spain early evening and after being met by our driver from Blackpool of all places, a short drive followed and we reached the villa which was home for the next three nights. If you watched our FB live last Thursday you may have seen part of it.
After settling in, we made our way to La Sala Restaurant where we were going to start the shoot the next day. After a quick recce and a chance meeting with the Wolves football team (which included Barbara’s neighbour!) who were having dinner there, we retired to bed ready for the next day.
First thing the next morning, Charlotte and I were up early for a walk around the resort to check for the best locations and what the lighting would be like. The beach was literally a two-minute walk from the villa and we happened to chance upon the Marina. The boats moored up were amazing! What a way to start the day, walking along the promenade, watching the sunrise
Naomi the photographer was due to meet with us at midday. Charlotte found Naomi via her website https://www.naomimaya.com/ and although they had spoken and corresponded prior to our arrival, we had not all met before the shoot began. Following our introductions, the first port of call was as I mentioned above https://lasalabanus.com/ The management had kindly agreed to let us use part of the Restaurant for the shoot.
Behind the scenes of the shoot, we had suitcases full of different outfits and of course all our different bags! We must have looked like we were expecting to move in when we arrived.
The backdrop of the mountains was great and after a little time for our models (us!) to warm up to the camera, the shoot began. Natalie being the official photographer was using her professional camera, Charlotte and I both also take lots of pictures on our iphones as the cameras on these phones are really great. I am definitely not a natural in front of the camera, unlike the others. I much prefer to be behind the camera taking my own pictures for Instagram and our blogs etc..
From La Sala we had a quick change of clothes and moved on to a stunning area called La Virginia, where private little cobblestone pathways and squares are lined with beautifully styled Andalusian ‘village houses’ tastefully dabbed in white, blue, cream, ochre and peach. Adding to this palette of colours are creepers, flowers and the rich hue of bougainvillea. This all made for a stunning second location for us to get some great shots.
Photo shoots may sound pretty glamourous, but it’s exhausting making sure we get enough shots of each style, colour, and with that different outfits are worn for the different images along with different models. We wanted group shots as well as individual images so poor Naomi also had to get 5 women to stop talking and look in the same direction at the same time!
We spent a couple of hours at La Virginia before heading back to our villa for a pretty swift lunch of crisps, cheese, and olives (no posh nosh for us!) and then with another change of look for everyone we were back out on location. This time a two minute walk from the villa to the promenade and beaches of Puerto Banus.
We were so lucky with the weather, although we were in Spain, the previous few days had at times been cloudy but there was not a cloud in the sky all day for us! We got some great images down at the beach and with early evening drawing in and the air getting chilly we decided at around 7pm that it was a wrap! Our day with Naomi had been full on but with her patience and expertise, we had managed to get what we had expected to take 2 days done in 1 day!
Back at the villa, I will admit a glass or 2 of wine was poured by some pretty tired women! But for Charlotte and I there was no time to chill, our Facebook live was due at 7pm UK time (8pm Spanish time).
So we sent Sheila, Barbara and Ann off to find some dinner whilst we went live from the villa. It was a great FB live and when the 50 minutes were over we had had over 250 comments and one and a half thousand views! Obviously, Spain is a winner with our live viewers…
After the live, the others returned with takeaway noodles, and maybe another bottle of wine ;-) but we were all shattered so a relatively early night was in order.
Friday arrived with another stunning sunrise and a cloudless sky, it seemed we were again to be blessed with a beautifully sunny day. Charlotte and I were feeling slightly more relaxed as we had managed to get so much done yesterday, which we hadn’t expected. This meant the day could be far more chilled for the group.
After a lovely leisurely breakfast it was off to the beach for Barbara, Charlotte and I. We needed a few more close ups of the Alex, Newport and Cambridge and where better than a perfectly stunning and very quiet beach for this last few images?
And finally after we were happy with these, our Spring Summer 19 photo shoot was officially A WRAP!! In celebration, we all met up for lunch at a stunning location between the Marina and beach. Our view, the midday sun glistening over shimmering gentle waves lapping at our feet. Our toast was to a successful Spring Summer 19 Campaign!
Everything was going swimmingly, until the boss dropped a lid and I leant over the arm of my chair to pick it up for her. At the sound of a crack, I realised I may have leant a little too far doing my good deed! Whether cracked or bruised, there was a little pain and so a detour to a pharmacy was on the cards before returning home.
And that lucky detour was how we managed to bump into Natalie Richardson, owner of www.thebardou.com a beauty salon in Puerto Banus. Natalie was having her photograph taken, she looked great and we really couldn’t miss the opportunity of getting a few images of her with some Mia Tuis’. (We hadn’t a clue she was a well followed Instagrammer @natalierichmarbella at this stage!) We simply launched at her asking if she wouldn’t mind us taking some images!
Natalie was very sweet and accommodating and agreed to some shots with a Nici, Megan and Matilda Mae (eerily, all the bags we had with us for lunch just happened to work really well with her look!) We strolled home along the promenade, getting our last look of the stunning beaches before going back to the villa to do some work and of course get packed ready for going home the following morning.
Our time in Spain was drawing to a close, we had a stressful, exhausting but brilliant time. We had laughed until we quite literally were crying …. Even with my shouts of “Don’t make me laugh – my ribs!!”
At Malaga airport as we were sat having a coffee, I spotted a Mia Tui, the opportunity couldn't be missed so I chased after the lady and had a chat. Lorraine was happy for me to take a photo of her with her Matilda Mae! What a great way to end our trip!
I’ve put together some outtake photos …. Nothing we will use but you may like to see just for fun! .....
Our Spring Summer 19 collection has been delayed, we are now expecting it around 18th March. We will, of course, keep you updated when we know more.
Thanks for reading :-)
That hot pink looks great, is it already available or do I need to wait until March?
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