Back on The Health and Fitness Wagon - Step 4 out of 10 - Making it Easier!

OK so getting super slim and healthy isn’t ever going to be easy. Not for most people anyway.

BUT you can make it a lot easier for yourself! Sound good?

So How Do I Make It Easier For Myself?

You need to create the right environment to enable an easier time. Examples:

  • Have healthy food to hand at all times
  • Plan in advance everyday
  • Get your menus organised
  • Arrange your kitchen and cupboards so you can access the right food and equipment to cook
  • Buy foods you know you will cook
  • Keep food choices simple

You also need to make the path easy to stick to. Examples:

  • If chocolate or biscuits are your down fall. Then don’t keep it in the house.
  • If Wine is your habit each night then replace it with something else like sparkling water and fresh lemon in a wine glass
  • If TV triggers your snacking try to switch from TV to the gym or reading
  • If motivation to go to the gym after work is non existent go in the morning
  • If you don’t know what to do in the gym plan a program with a Personal Trainer
  • If you don’t know how to cook take some lessons or pay a home helper to batch cook
  • Cook extra for the following day and make extra for the freezer
  • If you are surrounded by people that negatively influence your endeavours, spend less time with them

What things can you do to make the path easier to follow. Your motivation and will power will exhaust very quickly if you constantly have to battle with temptation or constantly have to overcome mountains or make decisions. The brain tires easily and wants to opt for the path of least resistance. In order to stick to a long term health kick then you will HAVE to shape the path and environment to lessen the effort and energy required to withstand the journey!

Big love, small tummies!

Jill – The Fat Controller

Follow Jill on Facebook or on her website

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