Charlotte, Claire's & Catherine's (or should we say the 3 C's ) Fitness Update

Claire's Fitness Update 1 

January 23rd 2015

Well we are 23 days into the New Year and I have done some kind of exercise for 17 of those days...........I think that is more than I did in the whole of 2014!

So far I have not made it to my swimming lesson on a Friday night, this is mainly out of laziness as I have to get in the car in the cold and dark and drive for 20 minutes to get there and I would rather stay at home in the warm and exercise.  This all changes tonight, I have my swimming bag all packed and in the car ready to leave at 6pm - no excuses!

Each day I have exercised I have either been on my stepper for 25/30 minutes or done a workout dvd, I have also done weights and situps/crunches.  I love having my music blaring away, singing along  and I have to say that so far I am really enjoying it and I feel so much better in myself.  I am slightly prone to feeling pretty down at certain times of the month but this month I feel alive and kicking!!  Am not quite sure how my husband feels seeing me sweating and red in the face but its rubbed off because he is now trying to get fitter too.

Charlotte's 1st Update

Well it's about 3 weeks since I started and so far things are going well.  My scales are notoriously unreliable but they say I've lost about 10lbs!!! I'm shocked and pleased but know it won't last so I can't get complacent. 
Time to do exercise is limited due to work and childcare but I've started the NHS couch 2 5K yet again and have managed a couple of sessions this week.

I've also been able to access some counselling which seems to have come at just the right time. Not sure I'm tackling any of the miscarriage issues yet but I do seem to have stopped eating quite so constantly which is only a good thing! !!

Holiday is coming up soon ish and the threat of wearing beach wear in public is keeping off the choc too. But I am taking my kit as the hotel has a gym. Even thinking about taking my kit is a big change for me!

Catherine's 1st Update

It's been a mixed couple of weeks here.  The losing weight part has gone fairly well so far, with 5lbs lost.  I found the slimming group's plan too restrictive and made me feel negative and fed up, so I have made changes which seem to be suiting me better.  

Watching the Horizon "Which diet is right for you? " programmes was fascinating.  I am totally a constant craver - everything they did and said made so much sense.  Food fills my empty thoughts and then I easily get fixated on what I *need* next.  So I'm loosely following the diet suggested by the programme, of having two days of around 800 calories.  The rest of the days I am trying to stay below 1400 calories but don't get too stressed if I go above.  I'm liking it so far.  

Minor achievements food wise are discovering I finally like Ryvita as a low cal lunch and porridge isn't too bad either - nice and filling for the lower calorie days. 

Exercise has been scuppered a little bit.  My youngest has had his third chest/throat infection in the last 7/8wks meaning more antibiotics and less desire to go outside with him as it has been so cold.  We have done a couple of walks/scoots which has been good but hopefully now he is on the mend we can do a bit more and get back to swimming as a family on a Sunday.  

I also start my running group next Saturday which I am looking forward to and dreading in equal measures! Hoping I get back into it easily




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