Michaela is returning to fitness after having a beautiful baby

It has been 3 weeks since I had my baby now. I was worried about how my body would look after giving birth to my third child but luckily, I only put on 11lb during my pregnancy and went straight back down to my pre-pregnancy weight afterwards.

I do need to tone up though. 9 month of pregnancy, well over that since I went 9 days overdue, all that time my body has stretched and grown a little person inside which means that my tummy could do with a little work. That's why I am joining in with this. Not necessarily to lose weight, but to get fit, tone up and try to look better and feel better in myself.

Since I am only 3 week post birth, I still cannot exercise much (advise is to not be too active until 6 weeks after birth) but am taking advantage of the fact that there is a park close by and have been taking the boys up there every couple of days. That way, they get to play and run off some steam, and I get to have a lovely long walk around the fields, pushing my newborn and settling him as I go. Keeping myself fit but not overdoing it.

Being a mum to 3 boys means that I am always on my feet, so maybe in the long run, exercise won't matter too much as I'm always running around anyway.

I can't wait to have my 6 weeks check though and get the all clear. Start going swimming again and for longer walks. Start looking after myself properly again knowing that, now my family is complete. I can focus on looking after myself and my health too

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