Mia Tui - The Blog

Earlier this year as we were launching our Spring Summer colours, I asked Helena from Radiance by Helena if she would sample a bag and write a guest post to help our customers with colour and style. The blog was fabulous and so once again I approached Helena to see if she would be happy to look at our Autumn/Winter colours and write another post to help us all with styling and accessorising our colour palette. I am delighted that Helena agreed to write for us again.

s you know, we had a very busy weekend with a two-day photo shoot last Friday and Saturday for our Autumn/Winter colour collection and if that wasn’t enough for the team, Friday night was our Theatre trip to see Jane McDonald on her current tour.

With lots of our customers ordering bags for holidays, we thought we would ask a professional photographer for some tips on taking great images using just your mobile phone.
Having to take a great many pictures of our bags for the website, Facebook and Instagram it's also a subject we were eager to learn more about.
Lou Wilkes, a professional photographer based in Leicestershire, kindly agreed to write a guest blog sharing some handy tips on taking great images with just your mobile phone......