Mia Tui - The Blog
It is nearly time to take the Mia Tui bags out on the road.. and find out what the consumer and retailer thinks of my bags. How does this make me feel..? "Bloody Sick" I can tell you, you have put...
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If you follow my blog you will know that I fell down the stairs and dislocated my finger.. and for those of you who don't follow - Hello, and I am just back from Vietnam and not used to wearing...
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I need your help please.. I entered a competition "Rattle to Riches" which is part of The Baby Show for Trade, it is a Dragon Den style competition which if you get through to the final in October you can...
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The Waiting Game All I seem to be doing is waiting. Waiting to get my furniture, Waiting to really start the business, Waiting to move into the house, Waiting for the girls to go back to school. Life is a bit frustrating...
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Today I tackled the loft, we had stored a lot of our old items that we didn’t take with us when we moved to Hong Kong 7 years ago. In the time we have been away we haven’t missed any...
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